Because of the ecological value that Marclais altitude compensator device would bring toward a less contaminated environment, several domestic and international media have already headlined about its benefits:


An innovative engine valve to fight pollution

Now with a new gadget (Marclais ecological valve) available in the market, carbureted cars -extensively defamed these days among the electronic injection engine scenario- have found a unique and reasonable (logical and ecological) opportunity to revert such paradigm. Such tech solution was developed by Colombian engineer Ricardo Aldana, who invented and patented the first ecological valve for engines that has proven to help reduce....

New ecological valve for high altitude vehicles: A Colombian device with export success

Through the leading hands of its creator, Colombian-born Ricardo Aldana, a newly developed ecology valve for motors, which reduces fuel consumption and pollutant emissions in vehicles, has become a successful export product per its unusual altitude adaptability features.


Gracias al valor ecológico de la válvula esta ha aparecido en diferentes medios de comunicación entre los cuales están diarios nacionales y extranjeros como:


Una válvula de escape contra la contaminaciòn

Los autos con CARBURADOR, estigmatizados en estos tiempos de inyecciòn electrònica, tienen una oportunidad lògica y ecològica para redimirse. Y es un Colombiano el que la ofrece. Se trata del Ingeniero Ricardo Aldana, quièn ha inventado la primera vàlvula ecològica que reduce.....

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