In regards to fuel economy, we have to consider a couple of key factors: On one hand the amount of fuel injected through the nozzles versus the airflow volumes entering the engine and based on the readings provided by air flow sensors, which are installed on every single point and multipoint fuel injection engines. On the other hand, the so called Venturi´s effect that regularly impacts gas consumption in all carburetor engine vehicles.
In electronic injection vehicles the decrease in gasoline consumption will come as the triggering result of the automatic signal sent by the airflow sensor to the central unit whenever a decrease in the airflow is detected, right at the moment when a bypass flow of air enters the admission manifold through the ecological valve.
The EV device integrates a dual position gauge with OPEN to CLOSED range settings based on acceleration degrees and throttle position dynamics. These two elements produce changes on the vacuum level inside the admission manifold which are automatically detected by the ecological valve.
At the same time, the EV automatically adjusts itself to the altitude above sea level by detecting the different atmospheric pressure variations. That means that at higher altitudes it will allow a greater amount of air entering the engine while at sea level the admission of airflow will be controlled and properly reduced, except in obvious cases of sudden engine acceleration when an unusual gasoline mixture is pumped in.
In carbureted vehicles, the dragging or fuel suction by means of the so called Venturi´s effect has been considered as the determining factor for fuel consumption in all car engines equipped with a carburetor.
As the accelerator gets press down, the butterfly valve, located at carburetor base, opens to allow a progressive increase of airflow into the engine. It is then combined with gasoline flowing, in gradual larger amounts, through the carburetor jets or emulsifiers.
This air/gas suction process governs the consumption of gasoline in all conventional engines equipped with a carburetor system.
The EV automatically allows the entry of bypass airflow into the engine which will help reduce the amount of air that usually gets in through the purifying filter unto the carburetor, and therefore the dragging effect or gasoline suction ratios are decreased.
Again, by installing a Marclais ecological valve on the vehicle, only regulated airflow enters the engine thus not generating the Venturi´s effect of gasoline suction.
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